Helping Tennis Elbow With Acupuncture

Helping Tennis Elbow With Acupuncture

Tennis elbow, AKA lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition in which the tendons of the outside part of the elbow are inflamed. Though actual playing of tennis is a common cause, tennis elbow can be caused by any repeated or strenuous activity, especially those...
Acupuncture and Athletic Performance

Acupuncture and Athletic Performance

Many of the patients we see in the clinic are athletes. Cyclists, CrossFit enthusiasts, runners, gymnasts, baseball players, golfers- all come seeking acupuncture to improve performance, alleviate pain, or get them in the right mindset for competition. Acupuncture was...
Does acupuncture help with……

Does acupuncture help with……

By far, the most common reason prospective patients call the clinic is to ask if acupuncture can help their chief complaint. The short answer: yes. For a longer answer: Acupuncture can treat a myriad of conditions and the World Health Organization and National...
Welcome Christina Carrillo!

Welcome Christina Carrillo!

Many of you have noticed that the clinic has become a popular destination for those in our community. In order to make sure that affordable acupuncture is provided to as many people as possible, we are pleased to announce the addition of Christina Carrillo to the...