How much does a treatment cost if I have _____? Or: The sliding scale is confusing.

We’ve been getting this question a lot recently: “If I have (insert reason for getting acupuncture here) how much does each treatment cost?” Somewhere along the line, people have started thinking our sliding scale means that some treatments cost more than others, and given the state of health care today we can’t say we blame them. Asking about prices in many medical offices today will usually result in confused looks or frustrated sighs. For the few medical offices who actually post their prices, they naturally have to set different prices for different services based on their time, materials cost, etc. Since the sliding scale we use is such a radical departure from that paradigm it is bound to confuse a lot of folks.

It really is refreshingly simple: we set a suggested range of $20-$50 per treatment, and you choose what’s comfortable to pay within that range. That’s it! 

For the business-minded types who just can’t wrap their head around the idea of running a business while letting your customers choose what to pay: we totally get it. It took us a while to understand too. First off, people like to be trusted, and they will reward you for placing your trust in them, even more so when you’re helping them to feel better. For those interested in the psychology of it, here’s a good article on the honor system in produce stands. Secondly, because we’re affordable AND we help people feel better, many of our patients just can’t help but talk to their friends and family about us! Patients talking about us means we don’t have to spend very much on advertising.

If you have any questions about the scale, please feel free to comment below, or connect with us on our Facebook page.