We've Moved!

We’ve been in the same location since we opened over 12 years ago, and it’s time to upgrade to a new prettier space! As of August 1 we are open for business in our new location:

8660 College Parkway Suite 180

Fort Myers, FL 33919


a light brown skinned hand raises two fingers in a peace sign, there are acupuncture needles in the hand between the knuckles.

Why Are We Moving?

White terraced building in background with grass roofed white building in foreground

While we love the clinic space we’ve called home for the last 12 years, we found a great spot in the Terraces that will fit our practice and even better! It’s got floor to ceiling windows, tons of natural lighting, a fountain and beautiful landscaping that’s a huge upgrade over our current space. Trust us, you’re going to love it!

How's It Going?

It was a lot of hard work getting everything prettied up and ready! First we had to get the concrete floors prepped so we can stain and seal them. Next we painted the whole place and replace/touch up the base boards. Then the movers got everything out of the old clinic and over to the new. Last we finished decorating and opened the doors on August 1!


An empty office room, with bare concrete partially covered in old adhesive. A shop vac and assorted tools spread around the floor.
Clnic space, red concrete floor, dark green walls, recliners around the edge with black leather covers

With all the natural lighting we got a bunch of plants hung up around the space, and over time plan on having a soft of dappled sunlight through the leaves effect happening. We had our favorite photographer out recently to get some nice pics, and you’ll be seeing them on the website soon! Better yet come on in and see it for yourself, you’re going to love it!